Let Her Go Kindle Unlimited re-release!



  hours  minutes  seconds


Let Her Go Kindle Unlimited eBook Release

5.0 out of 5 stars
  Love Wins
 Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 Verified Purchase
Second-born twin Morgan grew up feeling unloved and unwanted, the shadow daughter of the prettier, more popular sister, especially in the eyes of her mother. Her insecurities grow deeper when her sister is killed in an auto accident. As a nurse, Morgan finds her worth. She also meets Alex, the handsome owner of a gym who dotes on Morgan, though she feels unworthy of his love. There was a time in the beginning when I wanted to slap her and say, You’ve got a great guy, enjoy him. But how we’re treated as children has a way of coloring our adulthood, and Morgan is a perfect example of someone who can’t overcome her low self-esteem. When Alex is killed in a motorcycle accident, Morgan is inconsolable. He was the only one who saw her as a whole person, and now he was dead. She also finds out that Alex had a big secret. He was the scion of a wealthy family, and he leaves his gym to Morgan and his best friend, MMA fighter, Nick.

There are no surprises that Morgan and Nick will work through their pasts and find love, but it takes a while, and there were a few twists and turns I didn’t see coming. They start out as partners in the gym and in running together, because running is the way Morgan exorcises her grief, and it also gets her chubby body in shape. There’s a lot of fighting: Nick’s fighting in the MMA ring, Morgan fighting her attraction to Nick, Nick fighting through past guilt, and both of them fighting to bury their love for Alex so they can move on. The story kept me reading through to the end in one sitting, something I rarely do. Altogether, a very satisfying read.

About M. R. Pritchard

M. R. Pritchard writes about the elemental struggle between good and evil, and gods and monsters, and about people who turn into gods and monsters. Usually with a mix of apocalypse or post-apocalyptic setting. She also includes a spec of a love story because what is humanity without love? M. R. Pritchard is a two-time Kindle Scout winning author, her short story "Glitch" has been featured in the 2017 winter edition of THE FIRST LINE literary journal, and her short story "Moon Lord" has been featured in Chronicle Worlds: Half Way Home (Part of the Future Chronicles). M. R. Pritchard holds degrees in Biochemistry and Nursing. She is a northern New Yorker transplanted to the Gulf Coast of Florida who enjoys coffee, mint chocolate, cloudy days, and reading on the lanai. Visit her website MRPritchard.com and subscribe. You'll get updates, blog posts, and subscriber-only content.
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