Audiobook Codes: The Man Who Fell to Earth

The Heat Wave drew a violence that was swift and efficient at breaking humanity.

Abraham is on a journey while the population on Earth dwindles. Until he meets Nova. Twice. She’s refused his offer of sanctuary because she doesn’t trust a soul, even if they offer safety and relief from the sweltering heat.

This planet has a way of bringing people together when they need it most.

At the end of the world, there will be violence and there just might be a man playing 90’s tunes on a harmonica.

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About M. R. Pritchard

M. R. Pritchard writes about the elemental struggle between good and evil, and gods and monsters, and about people who turn into gods and monsters. Usually with a mix of apocalypse or post-apocalyptic setting. She also includes a spec of a love story because what is humanity without love? M. R. Pritchard is a two-time Kindle Scout winning author, her short story "Glitch" has been featured in the 2017 winter edition of THE FIRST LINE literary journal, and her short story "Moon Lord" has been featured in Chronicle Worlds: Half Way Home (Part of the Future Chronicles). M. R. Pritchard holds degrees in Biochemistry and Nursing. She is a northern New Yorker transplanted to the Gulf Coast of Florida who enjoys coffee, mint chocolate, cloudy days, and reading on the lanai. Visit her website and subscribe. You'll get updates, blog posts, and subscriber-only content.
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